Thursday, April 14, 2011

SEO: Homepage Optimization

This is one of the important factors when you're starting to make your web page. It is very important to have a good homepage optimization because it will help you increase your home page traffic. Ranking your home page between top 20 searches is really important. You will probably find it so hard to find your site on the result page when it is not in the first 20 hits.

This is how you can optimize your web page. Correct titling of your page is one of the most important actions. You should know that web search engines put a lot of importance in every page title in sorting hits on SERPs. The title must be a short description of your web page and should be structured with your keywords. The keywords shouldn't be repeated in the title for search engines will consider it as a spam which will lead you to a penalty points when ranking the results.

Another important thing in optimizing your web page is choosing the right keywords. You must do a proper research for you to help find the right keywords for your site. There are lots of useful tools in the web that you can use like Google AdWords keyword tool and a lot more. Try not to stuff your page too much with you keywords. Use synonyms, this will help to make your content sound natural.

Metatags are also important in optimizing you page. Meta description is a short description of your web page. You can use ten to twelve keywords which should not be repeated, as what I said search engines will treat multi keywords as a spam.

Actual page content, you shouldn't forget about this part for this is the most important thing in creating a web page. Keywords must be found in your page content; this will help the search engines to know what the topic is. But not to use it too frequently because spamming will result your page into a ban.

This is the least important factor in making a home page optimization, the page url. Basically, this is the name of your of your webpage which appears in a web browser's address bar. Search engines used this as an identifier for you web page and they also store the URL in their index as one of the ways they know the subject matter of a web site.

Doing a good Home page optimization will now then, help you attract more traffic for your website. Optimizing your home page is not just about search engine optimization, but it is also about optimizing your most vital landing pages for conversions.

Alyssa is an SEO specialist and have had remarkable success upon giving her clients a quality SEO services.

in reference to: SEO: Homepage Optimization (view on Google Sidewiki)

PPC and SEO Working Together

Most companies are often faced with the dilemma of determining how to maximize limited online marketing budgets. Are you looking for high performance, but need to be conscious of costs? So what tactics should be used, PPC or SEO? The answer is both. PPC and SEO are often viewed as two very different online marketing strategies, with each side having their own supporters as to why their respective online marketing effort is the most effective. SEO can generate great results, but it often requires patience to achieve higher rankings and is seen as a long term strategy. PPC has more control, but can be very costly depending on the industry.

If your PPC and SEO campaigns aren’t talking to each other, you’re wasting a lot of time and money. Whether the work is being done in house, at a single agency or by multiple agencies, it’s important to share insights learned in each area to avoid duplicated efforts and missed opportunities.

Here are a few things to consider:
Campaign Structure:

Your sites architecture and your Ad Words campaigns should not be that different. In fact, both should have a natural flow from high level content to very specific topics and subcategories. Those subcategories can be considered ad groups or pages on the site with the keywords appearing as text on the pages and in the ad groups.
Keyword Strategy:

It’s important to establish how your keyword mix will intercept your audience and how PPC and SEO will fit in. Broad terms tend to be hyper competitive and the most expensive, while long tail terms tend to be less competitive, but they drive higher qualified traffic. Depending on campaign goals it might make sense to optimize longer tailed terms while utilizing PPC to catch the broader search terms as ad copy, landing pages, ect can be quickly controlled. The key is to know when to emphasize one over the other, or when to use one to support the other.

Another cross tactic approach is to take advantage of PPC search query data. Analyzing PPC search query data might uncover terms that are driving a lot of paid traffic, but don’t perform well in organic search. Those keywords become an opportunity for the SEO team to create optimized content around which will increase your traffic volume without increasing your PPC budget. This type of cross tactic sharing should be happening regularly as your target audience will not remain in the status quo with their search habits.
Landing Pages:

Assuming the necessary tracking is in place on all pages and keywords, you can take valuable learning’s from the actual landing pages. If you notice that certain pages created for organic keywords perform well from a conversion stand point, why not re-purpose those pages as PPC landing pages? This allows you to create offers and calls to action for those specific keywords.

in reference to: PPC and SEO Working Together | Search Engine Journal (view on Google Sidewiki)

Google Docs Adds Pagination

Every time I get writer’s block, I head somewhere else to write. I don’t just mean grabbing my laptop and going to a coffee shop, either (though I do that too). I mean going to a library or a friend’s house and using their computer. I’m able to do this because so much of the world of productivity has moved onto the web – including cloud document creation through services like Google Docs.

However, Google Docs, is nonetheless limited in a number of ways, making certain tasks impossible, and the constant development struggle for the Docs steam is implementing all the necessary features from the established world of offline document creation. Over the last year Google has implemented a wide array of these features, but one of the most crucial was added today (on April 12th): pagination.

Pagination, or the visual display of actual page breaks – demonstrating how words will actually look on a page, how changes in margin/spacing will change page flow, etc. – has been a standard for offline word processing since the 90s. Having it available in Google Docs is both important in matching the standard and in adding a number of other vital features. This includes putting headers/footers on each page, putting footnotes on the bottom of corresponding pages, and in-browser printing (in now, a feature restricted to Chrome). However, pagination may also lead to other in-demand features such as page numbering.

Users who prefer the unpaginated approach can switch to the classic format by going to View > Document View > Compact. If you’re eager to use paginated documents and haven’t seen the update yet, be patient: the feature will be released to all Docs users by the end of the day.

in reference to: Google Docs Adds Pagination | Search Engine Journal (view on Google Sidewiki)

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